Life of Christ - Week 12




As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. – Luke 19:41-42


In the final two weeks of the Life of Christ, we will focus on the events of Jesus’ last week: His death and resurrection. We hope that this series has helped you engage with Jesus in new ways in your life, family, and community. We also hope that this series has challenged you to become more passionate about and better readers of Scripture.


We begin by examining Jesus’ final week as He travels to Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Passover, as was His custom. Marc reframes our understanding of this well-known story, as we view it within the context of the Jewish culture of the day.


Question: What do you believe Jesus meant by, “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes”? (See Luke 19:42, NLT). What are the things that peacemakers need to know, in order to bring peace in our world today?


Prayer Starter: Jesus, Make Me (Adaptation of The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, by Rachael Bernardi)


Jesus, I invite You to make me a peacemaker.


Where there is hatred,


Empower me to show love in that space.


Where others have brought condemnation and judgment,


Make me a vessel to bring forgiveness and restoration.


In places where others have sown seeds of doubt,


Use me to bring encouragement to stand firm in faith.


In places full of despair and hopelessness,


Fill me with Your Presence to fill the room with hope.


In our dark world,


Jesus, shine Your light through me.


Show me where there is sadness,


And use me to bring overwhelming joy.


Lord, empower me to look beyond myself


So I don’t focus on my own needs,


But I become one who helps others,


giving selflessly out of the abundance You have given me.


Lord, remind me, when I’ve fallen into self-pity,


That others also need reminding that You are always there.


Use me to share Your love with them.


Help me to notice when I need to stop talking,


And start listening.


Because it is in giving that we receive,


It is in forgiving that we are forgiven,


And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.




Family Chat: Talk with your family about what it means to be a peacemaker.


Take Action: Meet with your life group and talk through both the questions you’ve answered this week and the challenges you have faced (or are still facing!) as you follow Jesus. Be honest about what’s worked for you, as well as areas where you may have missed the mark.


Additional Resources: