During Paul’s time in Ephesus, the entire region was evangelized through his influence, including the small town of Colossae in modern-day Turkey. Although he never visited it in person, he sent his fellow-servant, Epaphras, to spread the gospel. Epaphras may have been the founder of the Church in Colossae, or, at the very least, its main minister. From time to time, he would bring reports to Paul, who was in prison, most of which were positive. However, because of the diverse backgrounds and belief systems that were embedded in the community, he thought it appropriate to bring a more sobering report to Paul of a trend he was beginning to see. From Epaphras’ reports, Paul wrote a preemptive correction to the church, nipping at the root of what could become a larger problem of heretical (false) teaching.
A central theme of this book is the magnitude and supremacy of Christ, showcasing His sovereignty in the physical and spiritual realms. Paul calls the Colossians to a dependence on Christ alone for salvation, spiritual growth, and victory over sin. He reiterates time and time again that Jesus is entirely sufficient, and that believers can be firmly rooted in Him. Paul wrote so that the Colossian believers would remain grounded in their faith and not lose sight of the centrality of the gospel in the midst of false doctrine.
Colossians 1:1-14
The Centrality of Christ
Colossians 1:15-2:7
Freedom in Christ
Colossians 2:8-23
Living in Christ
Colossians 3:1-4:18
Colossae, an ancient city nestled in the Lycus River Valley of Asia Minor, alongside its counterparts Laodicea and Hierapolis, formed a trio of small cities within close proximity to each other. Historical records paint a vivid picture of its past glory. Colossae was a diverse city, with a mixture of Hellenistic, Jewish, and Anatolian religious traditions, positioned approximately 100 miles from the bustling city of Ephesus.
Colossae thrived primarily in two interconnected industries: wool and dye. The region’s fertile volcanic soil provided abundant pastureland, ideal for sheep farming, while the chalky river waters facilitated the dyeing process, making Colossae a prominent center for textile production.
Colossae gradually lost significance and faded into obscurity, to the point where its exact location today remains uncertain.
Who are the people in your life that bring you great joy?
Do you see them regularly, or just every now and again?
When was the last time you told them how grateful you are for them?
It’s a good practice to begin your time of prayer in gratitude, giving thanks to the Lord before petitioning Him for needs. Spend some time today focusing on who you’re thankful for. Write down their names.