New International Version
For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Imagine having to live your life governed daily by 614 laws that are to be meticulously kept…not to mention the added cultural traditions. Generations of laws, sacrifices, and standards, by God’s command, were followed by the Jewish people to protect from unrighteousness, atone for sin, and even provide rest. And then came Jesus. Through His perfect life, Jesus fulfilled the requirements of God’s law and ushered in the revelation of righteousness based purely on faith. What a holy paradigm shift! As you might guess, the early Church welcomed the relief, yet struggled to let go of the law. However, through the Holy Spirit, God revealed that laws like circumcision were an external picture of the internal work of the Spirit to cut away our flesh or sinful desires and make us holy through faith in Jesus alone. Like the early Church, we can still struggle to accept that the work of salvation has been completed. The truth is, God was always after our hearts, and a kept law, although obedient, is not a revealer of love. But faith in Jesus is our greatest expression of love. Through love we believe, through love we serve, through love we rest. To express love, we must first receive love. Let’s receive the love of Jesus today, and give it right back to Him.
Lord Jesus, we love You! You are better than we know. Thank You for fulfilling the law and sending the Holy Spirit to remain with us. Holy Spirit, would you remind us today that we do not work to earn love, but receive it by faith? Forgive us, Lord Jesus; we repent for the times that we have struggled with this. Circumcise our hearts, again, so that only faith remains. Cut away our pride and self effort—we ask for clean hands and pure hearts that we may rightly see You. Today, Jesus, we receive Your love. With hearts filled with wonder and gratitude, we respond, “We love You too!”