Philippians 1:3-4
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all.
The idea that we “deserve” all good things saturates our culture and our own thoughts. Glory is sought after, influence is measured, riches are accumulated, and comfort and ease are expected as givens. And we simply miss the truth. We aren’t inherently good; only God is. Therefore, we don’t deserve all the good things—only He does. Every gift, blessing, and comfort comes from God to us in mercy. Jesus, God’s Son given for us, is the greatest example of our Father’s unwarranted kindness. So, how can we guard against the self-exalting lies of our time? Like Paul, we make a habit of praying in thankfulness and joy often, and we follow Christ’s example of humility. He’s the only One who deserved it all. But instead, He chose to empty Himself and become a servant for our sake that we might truly experience God’s goodness by grace alone.
Father, we thank You for Your unfailing kindness and mercy that is new every morning! We thank You with joy for the amazing people in our lives who love us, encourage us, and help meet our needs. We thank You for our church that lifts up the name of Jesus above all! May You bless our families and church abundantly. We even thank You for the difficulties that are producing Your character in our lives! You alone are good and we give it all back to You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!