February 5

As the people of Israel stood next to Mount Sinai and received the commandments of God, the thunder, loud blast of the horn, lightning, and smoke all caused the people to say, “Don’t let God speak directly to us. If he does, we will die!” (Exodus 20:19).

The voice of the Lord is an awesome power, similar to lightning piercing through your entire being. The sound and power of His voice reinforced the fear of God that the Israelites were to show in their dealings with one another. They were not to steal from, oppress, or be unjust to one another in any way. God said, “If you do and they cry out to me, then I will surely help them. My anger will blaze forth against you, and I will kill you with the sword” (Exodus 22:23-24). Anyone who can steal casually from others or from God has never heard the voice of the Lord.

Jesus told His disciples, “For as the lightning lights up the entire sky, so it will be when the Son of Man comes” (Matthew 24:27). Get ready for the greatest manifestation of the voice of the Lord: the return of Christ!

Exodus 21:22-23:13

Matthew 24:1-24:28

Psalm 29:1-29:11

Proverbs 7:6-7:23


February 11

How easily our human nature shows through in times of trial! On Mount Sinai, Israel was poised for its greatest

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February 10

Bezalel had no idea how to build a tabernacle. None had ever been built before! However, God “filled him with

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February 9

There is something about a sacrifice of love that God calls a “pleasing aroma” (Exodus 29:18 NIV). The pure and

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February 8

In the Old Testament, the high priest was anointed by the pouring of oil upon his head. In Aaron’s case,

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