January 16

When Jacob wrestled with the angel at Peniel, the angel tried to overpower him. He knew that unless he could break Jacob’s stubborn and deceptive will, Jacob would never attain greatness in God.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you,” an obvious statement of learning the “rest” of submission. You will not go very far with God until you allow Him to subdue your drive, energies, ambitions, and passions. When He wins that battle over you, the “rest” of God will follow.

Later in Jacob’s struggle, he held on to the angel of the Lord, forcefully pressing in for a blessing from the One who had subdued him. Jesus told His disciples that “the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people attack it” (Matthew 11:12).

God wants you to rest in your flesh and be forceful in your spirit! That balance changed Jacob from a trickster to a prince with God.

Genesis 32:13-34:31

Matthew 11:7-11:30

Psalm 14:1-14:7

Proverbs 3:19-3:20

February 11

How easily our human nature shows through in times of trial! On Mount Sinai, Israel was poised for its greatest

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February 10

Bezalel had no idea how to build a tabernacle. None had ever been built before! However, God “filled him with

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February 9

There is something about a sacrifice of love that God calls a “pleasing aroma” (Exodus 29:18 NIV). The pure and

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February 8

In the Old Testament, the high priest was anointed by the pouring of oil upon his head. In Aaron’s case,

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