January 20

From a tiny seed comes a mighty tree that provides shade and refuge for the animals of the world. In the same way, the Kingdom of God spreads from small and insignificant beginnings.

Joseph is an example of such a seed. From one solitary life, the Holy Spirit provided a huge and fruitful tree that brought life to the world. Under Joseph’s direction during the seven years of plenty, “the granaries were filled to overflowing” (Genesis 41:49). During the time of famine, people came from many lands for the provision Joseph had stored (Genesis 41:56-57).

God desires to bless you, like He did Joseph, with an abundance to be put into a storehouse for others. Such abundance represents your overflow finances, seed that God will place in your hands to bless the world. Be faithful, prepare a storehouse bank account for missions, and ask God for seed. He will turn your “mustard seed” into a mighty tree for the nations!

Genesis 41:17-42:17

Matthew 13:24-13:46

Psalm 18:1-18:15

Proverbs 4:1-4:6

February 11

How easily our human nature shows through in times of trial! On Mount Sinai, Israel was poised for its greatest

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February 10

Bezalel had no idea how to build a tabernacle. None had ever been built before! However, God “filled him with

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February 9

There is something about a sacrifice of love that God calls a “pleasing aroma” (Exodus 29:18 NIV). The pure and

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February 8

In the Old Testament, the high priest was anointed by the pouring of oil upon his head. In Aaron’s case,

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