January 27

Moses and Aaron formed a divine partnership before Pharaoh. By himself, Moses felt weak and incapable. That’s why the Lord sent him a prayer partner in Aaron. For the next four decades, these two men walked together doing great exploits for God.

“How could one person chase a thousand of them, and two people put ten thousand to flight . . . unless the Lord had given them up?” (Deuteronomy 32:30). Two people who are partners are five times more powerful than two individuals acting alone! Moses and Aaron did not realize how much they would need each other until after their first round with Pharaoh. Not only did Pharaoh reject them, but also their own people rejected them.

Solomon said, “Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

It is a scientific fact that geese flying in a flock honk to encourage each other. Moses needed a “honker” in Aaron, and you, too, need others to support you. Find your two or three “honkers,” and take on the “Pharaoh” in your life!

Exodus 4:1-5:21

Matthew 18:1-18:20

Psalm 22:19-22:31

Proverbs 5:15-5:21

February 11

How easily our human nature shows through in times of trial! On Mount Sinai, Israel was poised for its greatest

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February 10

Bezalel had no idea how to build a tabernacle. None had ever been built before! However, God “filled him with

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February 9

There is something about a sacrifice of love that God calls a “pleasing aroma” (Exodus 29:18 NIV). The pure and

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February 8

In the Old Testament, the high priest was anointed by the pouring of oil upon his head. In Aaron’s case,

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