January 8

The story of Lot is a chronicle of the search for the “wide gate,” symbolizing the luxuries and pleasures of the world. Lot’s eyes were distracted from purity by viewing the pastures of the well-watered plain of Sodom. From living in the valley, to pitching his tent near Sodom, to living in the city, to city rulership in the gate of Sodom— the pitiful progression of distraction continued.

How easy it is to fall deeper and deeper into the lure of the world! “Everybody’s doing it” is a statement from a person sure to be heading down the broad way that leads to destruction. Satan’s payoff for Lot’s compromise was to give him a cave instead of a castle, incestuous daughters instead of his wife, poverty instead of position.

The opposite was true of Abraham, who chose the “narrow gate.” His unswerving desire to please God resulted in his gaining favor with God. He was a part of the chosen few, and his intercession with God for Lot is a classic example of his reward.

Stay in the “narrow way.” Neither you nor your children will ever regret it.

Genesis 18:16-19:38

Matthew 6:25-7:14

Psalm 8:1-8:9

Proverbs 2:6-2:15

February 11

How easily our human nature shows through in times of trial! On Mount Sinai, Israel was poised for its greatest

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February 10

Bezalel had no idea how to build a tabernacle. None had ever been built before! However, God “filled him with

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February 9

There is something about a sacrifice of love that God calls a “pleasing aroma” (Exodus 29:18 NIV). The pure and

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February 8

In the Old Testament, the high priest was anointed by the pouring of oil upon his head. In Aaron’s case,

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