Pine Bluff Ministries

Children’s Ministries:

We believe in the next generation. NLC children’s ministry lays the foundation for knowing who God is and how to trust Him. Our students bring the fun and energy as they learn the Word in their services and life groups. From infants to young adults, we love investing in our future and current young leaders and their families.

Little Life:
Little Life is for our smallest members of New Life. Our church is passionate about helping form a basis of truth for them, helping them understand God’s love for them, and teaching them to worship Him. This ministry meets during the 10:30 am  Sunday service. 

Kid Life:
Kid Life is our ministry for elementary-aged kids. Our goal is that these students learn who God is and discover their identity in Him. We believe in engaging their energy, imagination, and potential as we help develop them as children of God and the leaders they are called to be. This ministry is offered during the 10:30 am Sunday service.  

Student Ministries:

Youth Middle: Four Twelve is our middle school ministry. Named after 1 Timothy 4:12, this ministry strives to encourage your students in their walks with Christ as they grow into their teenage years. Four Twelve meets weekly during the 10:30 am Sunday service.


Youth: Our high school students get to be a part of Youth. Community with other students and their leaders are at the heart of what we do, so life groups are a large priority in this ministry. We want to equip our students to know God and impact others at their schools, jobs, and communities with the love of Christ. Youth meets weekly during the 10:30 am Sunday service.

See All Youth Events

Adult Ministries:

We believe the church is stronger when everyone serves! From the parking lot to the worship team, we have teams serving to make sure our weekend services are fully focused on honoring Jesus and removing any obstacles people could encounter on the way. You can check out our different serve opportunities and sign up to help here! 

Connect Class:
Connect Class is an opportunity to discover New Life’s core beliefs and values, your next steps in getting involved, and your place within the church. Serving in church is one of our greatest callings, and we want to provide the resources and knowledge to fulfill it. You are wanted and needed here!

At New Life Church, our greatest joy is to celebrate lives being changed. Water baptism is the next step in your journey with the Lord—a declaration of a new life rooted in His grace. The Bible tells us that every believer is to be baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are thrilled to stand beside you as you experience the hope, love, and overcoming power of Jesus!