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Life of Christ - Week 9




“For I tell you that if you forgive when others sin against you, then your heavenly Father will forgive you.” – Matthew 6:14


Today, we study three parables that Jesus uses to emphasize the importance of forgiving others. His focus is not just about forgiving those who owe us something, but also about how we treat those who have debts to God.


Jesus calls His disciples to go and offer God’s mercy and forgiveness to the sinful. Think about where Jesus would be if He were here with us today and who He would be hanging out with.


Question: How do you treat people who have a debt to God? How do you actively seek opportunities to interact with people who don’t know Jesus?


Prayer Starter: Jesus, please forgive me for holding others to a standard of perfection that I can’t keep. I receive Your forgiveness, and I ask that, because of Your mercy, You help me love others the way You do—especially those who don’t know You or who don’t have the hope in You that You have graciously shown me. Use me to share with others Your love for them.


Family Chat: Do you know someone who used to be a friend but isn’t a friend anymore? If so, what happened?


Take Action: Meet with your life group and talk through both the questions you’ve answered this week and the challenges you have faced (or are still facing!) as you follow Jesus. Be honest about what’s worked for you, as well as areas where you may have missed the mark.


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